PilotTv Philippines


Getting Personal: IoT Tech Helps Retailers Step Closer to Consumers

Getting Personal: IoT Tech Helps Retailers Step Closer to Consumers

Personalization and Technology: Keys to Reaching Today’s Consumers Being a retailer today is a much different experience than it used to be. As recently as five years ago, the formula for success was still simple: create and test a retail concept, eliminate unnecessary costs, and roll it out as fast and wide as possible. But…

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479 373 PilotTv Philippines
Data fully empowers DOOH to master the accurate delivery of people flow

Data fully empowers DOOH to master the accurate delivery of people flow

The world's leading face recognition technology collects information and is indeed divided into groups DOOH (Digital Out of Home) is an out-of-home media with digital screens. In July 2020, 70{a96eba13d2356056c2450437ec1d154dfd66f8ccac03d74bbb73edd84c6436cf} of the out-of-home media in Australia are DOOH; it is estimated that DOOH's global revenue can grow in 2021 30{a96eba13d2356056c2450437ec1d154dfd66f8ccac03d74bbb73edd84c6436cf}, in Australia and the United…

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600 402 PilotTv Philippines